Hyvolution Paris 2025 LIVE: Follow the last day of the exhibition live!

Welcome to the live coverage of the LAST day of Hyvolution Paris 2025!
9 a.m: [LAST BUT NOT LEAST! 🔴] Hyvolution people! The third and last day of the show has begun. And from our perspective, many of you seem to have plans for the day.
🎙️Hyvolution Conference: Hyvolution Money Talks: How to accelerate, grow and close impactful hydrogen projects?
⌚09:30 a.m. - 02:00 p.m.
📍Hyvolution Theater
ℹ️ But that's not all: attend the exhibitors' workshop sessions at our 3 Forums, discover the Jobs and Training Campus, the international pavilions and much more!
Enjoy your last day at Hyvolution Paris! 🚀
[H2 COMMUNITY 💧] We are glad to bring together the worldwide hydrogen community in Paris, yet again! 🤝
📍 Hyvolution Paris, the only hydrogen event in Europe that covers the entire hydrogen value chain keeps on gathering experts from the whole World.
In the aisles the conversations about innovations, common projects, national and international strategies and policies keep our visitors busy. 💬

"We need hydrogen, so it will happen for sure! We are optimistic, and all the French h2 industry is committed to achieve our objectives!"
🎤🔴 We handed the microphone to Philippe Boucly, President of France Hydrogène, organizing partner of Hyvolution Paris since many year. Watch his interview to hear about some of the latest and upcoming milestones of French hydrogen stakeholders.
What's driving investment, and where is it making the biggest impact?
Who unlocks the capital needed to move hydrogen forward, and how?
Why and how public-private partnerships are game-changers for hydrogen's ramp up?
📝 Answers were given this morning during our 4th and last Conference: ""Hyvolution Money Talks: How to accelerate, grow and close impactful hydrogen projects?"
🙏 Thank you to all our speakers for bringing their insightful vision on the matter, and thank you Mikaa Mered-Blugeon for the moderation work all morning.

"Because France is one of the locomotives in the EU, definitely Paris France is a good place to be for hydrogen. So see you next year at Hyvolution 2026!"
🎤🔴 To sum up the 8th edition of Hyvolution Paris, Silke Frank gives us her thoughts on what she experienced during the event. All the actors of the H2 value chain were committed to bring hydrogen to the public and to offer their expertise!