HZwei - the independent German-language trade magazine for hydrogen and fuel cells
The magazine HZwei provides information on developments in hydrogen and fuel cell technology as well as electric vehicles and energy storage systems with detailed technical reports...

The magazine HZwei provides information on developments in hydrogen and fuel cell technology as well as electric vehicles and energy storage systems with detailed technical reports, scientific articles and the latest news. The focus is on detailed and comprehensible articles written by specialist journalists and experts from science and research.
HZwei is published four times a year and is available worldwide by subscription. It can be obtained directly from the publisher, from bookshops and railroad station bookshops and via the Internet. The magazine is distributed at numerous trade fairs, congresses, seminars and symposia as well as at universities and research institutes. The previous year's issues are also available to download free of charge.
The magazine is aimed at specialists and managers in the entire energy industry. It is aimed at readers with an interest in technology who are looking for in-depth information on H2, FC, energy storage and electromobility. The target audience includes decision-makers from industry and business as well as representatives of associations, authorities and universities, engineers and skilled workers from gas companies, car companies and suppliers.
The English-language counterpart to HZwei is H2-international - the e-journal on hydrogen and fuel cells www.h2-international.com.
HZwei and H2-intetnational have been media partners of HyVolution for several years now and are happy to provide all participants with free copies.
Further details at www.hydrogeit.de